Hotel which Each room designed by well/known artsts

Hotel of the month #3: the half graffiti hotel room

In many a hotel, history and freedom of style are not mutually exclusive—Au Vieux Panier Hotel is proof of such.

In the historical center of Marseille, this old building from the XVIIth Century is now a modern, urban accommodation that offers five unique hotel rooms each designed by well-known artists.
Staying in a hotel with such a strong history will be a great experience both for those who love history and contemporary art as well. Each room has its own artist and its own style—and all of them are different in design but practical in functionality—each room, for example, includes amenities such as wi-fi, air-conditioning and so on. Visitors also have the possibility to choose the size of the room according to their needs. What ties the hotel together is the fact that the rooms are consistently changing every year with new painters.

We cannot forget to mention The Half Graffiti Room by Tilt. Its impressive element is the strong change from white to color. In the beginning, it started as just a basic room, completely whitewashed and then creatively turned into a colorful room half covered in graffiti.

Finally, do not forget to walk the corridors of the hotel, as there are always plenty of temporary exhibitions on display.

A few photos of the hotel:
Land of the Moon - Eugénie Bergeon

Purgatory Palace - Mass Confusion

Ciel - Mourad Messoubeur

Matthias Olmeta

Fusion - Philippe Baudelocque

Panic Room - Tilt

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