The Zanzibar International Film Festival (ZIFF) was founded in 1998 as an effort to boost cultural tourism is Zanzibar and has grown to become the largest film festival in East Africa rated within the top 5 in Africa. With it widespread reach over the islands of Zanzibar, and internationally, it provides sponsors and East African brands in general, the opportunity to promote themselves locally and internationally.

The festival catalogue is an essential document for all festival visitors. The catalogue is produced every year and contains all the vital information about the 2012 festival programme. The programme is the one thing that often physically leaves the island – ensuring your brand is taken around the world!

ZIFF is now offering companies, organizations and individuals the opportunity to purchase advertising space in this catalogue as well as a number of other incredible opportunities.
Dhow Race – a celebration of maritime culture in Zanzibar and the Dhow cultures of the Indian Ocean.The Dhow race is one of the major events of the festival attracting large numbers of both local and foreign spectators.
This year with the sponsorship of ZUKU we ensure that your brand will be visible all year round throughout East Africa.

The dhow race will consist of 10 + dhows all competing for prizes worth $200, $150 and $100 We also offer you the opportunity to further brand ‘your crew’ with your own t shirts – if your Dhow wins you get even further coverage in newspapers and alike.


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